About Me


Jennifer Forster, Licensed Professional Counselor

Forster Counseling LLC

Bend, Oregon

jennifer@forstercounseling.com · (503) 217-9242

Philosophy and Approach

I provide professional mental health counseling services to individual adolescents and adults and couples. I approach counseling as a joint relationship in which you, as the client, and I collaborate together in a supportive, safe environment. My belief is that all clients have unique insight and ability to improve their own lives but may need help identifying strengths and developing skills that support healing, healthy decision making, relationships and steps towards positive growth. I personally operate from a Christian worldview and can incorporate this into counseling if indicated by you. 

Please note that although most counseling has been proven to be beneficial, there may be times when counseling activates challenging or uncomfortable emotions. This can happen as we approach sensitive areas or difficult memories. These feelings can affect your life outside of our counseling sessions and sometimes feelings may worsen before getting better. It is my goal to help you work through this process in order to help you move towards your goals. 

Education, Training & Experience

I hold a Master of Education degree (M.Ed.) in Counseling Psychology from Lehigh University and a Bachelor of Science degree (B.S.) in Human Resource Management from Wright State University. I am a Mending the Soul Certified Facilitator for women’s abuse and trauma recovery small groups. In 2021, I completed training in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) through the Attachment in Science Practice. I am a member of the American Psychological Association. 

As a Licensee, I utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)* and Attachment theories, along with other evidence-based practices. 

*EMDR: Some clients I work with choose to utilize EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). This is a comprehensive therapy including 8 Phases, as well as a variety of concepts tailored to treat trauma, chronic pain and distressing behaviors. EMDR utilizes Bilateral Stimulation during which the therapist guides the client through a series of eye movements in order to access and disrupt and reprocess disturbing memories, leading to resolution and transformation. My EMDR training is S.A.F.E. (Somatic and Attachment Focused EMDR) taught through Personal Transformation Institute. This approach encompasses awareness of the ways that the autonomic nervous system becomes sensitized to fear responses as well as the ways that attachment patterns surface in all phases of the treatment process.

As a Licensee of the Oregon Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists, I abide by its Code of Ethics. To maintain my license, I am required to participate in continuing education, taking classes dealing with subjects relevant to this profession. 


My fee is $100.00 per 50 minute session for individual counseling and $125.00 per 50 minute session for couples counseling. Payment is made at the time of each session. Currently, I do not accept insurance. A reduced fee is provided if it is financially necessary for consistent treatment and is based on availability. 


My counseling philosophy centers on the importance of maintaining a good therapeutic relationship. If for any reason, you do not feel that we are a good fit, I will be happy to offer referrals to other professionals. If for any reason, I find that I do not have the experience, training, or knowledge to work with your particular concerns, I will also refer you to another professional who is better prepared to meet your needs. 

As a client of an Oregon licensee, you have the following rights:

∗ To expect that a licensee has met the qualifications of training and experience required

by state law;

∗ To examine public records maintained by the Board and to have the Board confirm

credentials of a licensee;

∗ To obtain a copy of the Code of Ethics (Oregon Administrative Rules 833-100);

∗ To report complaints to the Board;

∗ To be informed of the cost of professional services before receiving the services;

∗ To be assured of privacy and confidentiality while receiving services as defined by rule

or law, with the following exceptions: 1) Reporting suspected child abuse; 2) Reporting

imminent danger to you or others; 3) Reporting information required in court proceedings

or by your insurance company, or other relevant agencies; 4) Providing information

concerning licensee case consultation or supervision; and 5) Defending claims brought by

you against me;

∗ To be free from discrimination because of age, color, culture, disability, ethnicity,

national origin, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, or socioeconomic


You may contact the Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists at

3218 Pringle Rd SE, #120, Salem, OR 97302-6312 Telephone: (503) 378-5499

Email: lpct.board@mhra.oregon.gov Website: www.oregon.gov/OBLPCT

For additional information about this counselor or therapist, 

consult the Board’s website.